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We are who we are.
We don't need anyones judgement.
Hate us?
Just bloody hell fcukoff. ^^

2F ^^

Form Teacher: Ms Leong Mei Yee
Co Form Teacher: Mr Ahmad
English Language: Mrs Evelyn Ng
Chinese Language: Ms Leong Mei Yee
Malay Language: Mr Ahmad
Elementary Math: Mr Joseph Edison
Science: Mrs K Supramaniam
Literature: Mrs Evelyn Ng
Geography: Ms Sherrie Ng
History: Mr Edwin Ho
F&N: Ms Angie Sim
D&T: Mr Khng Ah Pong
P.E.: Mr James Tan
Art: Ms Farhana
Music: Mr Lam Seng Kye
IPW: Ms Balan/Ms Linda Yeo
Thinking Skills: Ms Tania Tang
C.E.: Ms Leong, Mr Ahmad

Fathin Yenny Gwen Joanna Joyce Sinyee Tracy N.Aisyah Jingwen Amanda Sheryl Hadeejah S.Aisyah Belvia Wanlin Jocelyn Suwen Reena Stancel Edward Hsuhui Ivan Ethan Charles Khalis Haqim Rafqi Haiyun Zhetong Tengsheng Chester Chanyee Clement Yongboon Tingshun Yusri Shermaine Quyang Fangying

Underlined = have blog. :)


Class Gathering :)


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Thursday, October 23, 2008 ; 12:25 PM Y

Congrats Sinyee for making it to 3EXP.
Congrats Gwen, Sinyee, Joyce, Fangying, Yongboon for getting High Achievers' Award.

TOP 12
1st - Sinyee
2nd - Yongboon
3rd - Ivan
4th - Gwen
5th - Jingwen
6th - Fangying
7th - Yusri
8th - Charles
9th - Wanlin
10th - Joyce
11th- Jocelyn
12th- Fathin
Looks like American Idol, eh? Hahaha.

Jeer the ministry for Ms Leong is leaving Mayflower for another schl.
Ms Leong will be missed!
Edit: Just got to know that she is gonna teach in Evergreen Sec.

School had closed today. Enjoy your holidays!

Oxox, Ivan.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008 ; 4:11 PM Y

Click on this link for more information on POA (Principles Of Accounts)
if you're interested in taking it next yr!
Basically there will be alot of accounting (counting $$), addition & subtraction.


; 3:58 PM Y


In case you don't know the subj combinations nxt yr,

Combined Humanities:

Electives Section I:

Electives Section II:
(choose only 1!)

For AMATH, only 12 people are qualified for it.
They are Gwen, Sinyee, Jingwen, Amanda, Sheryl, Wanlin, Hsuhui, Ivan, Charles, Clement, Yongboon, Fangying.

For Humanities subjs, pls choose the one with eligibility first.

For electives subjs,
Pls choose your subjs wisely. You can only choose when you have obtained at least 65 marks & above for that particular subj.

You will only know your overall marks during the last day of schl (23 Oct) when you got back your report books.
Except for AMATH which will be graded using your SA2, other electives subjects will be based on your OVERALL RESULTS.

Whether or not you go 3F/3G is chosen by the form teacher and NOT your subj combination!
Eg. There can be pupils from 3F & 3G taking AMATH/ART/F&N together.

You will NOT know yet which class you will be going to on the last day. You will be called back to school to announce the results. Most probaly it'll be the day when you get your streaming results.

So, make sure you plan your holidays well!
Here are the dates you MUST come back to school.

Now - latest 31 Oct : Return Option forms to General Office
10 Nov : Release of Streaming results & the class you're going to
On Nov 10,
Venue : Theatrette
Time : 10am

Option forms (with eligibility) have been given out today (22/10) .
Clear enough? I hope so, thanks! :)

Oxox, Ivan.